Pain Management

Work with Dr. Vishal Verma and Dr. Kody Kettle of Integrated Healthcare Centers if you need expert pain management in Chantilly, VA.

What Are the Causes of Chronic Pain?

Living with chronic pain is a difficult experience. With pain plaguing your every waking moment, you may find it impossible to rest or relax. The lingering pain can also prevent you from performing basic tasks.

To break free from your chronic pain, you must first understand its underlying cause. Persistent pain can be symptomatic of various health conditions.

Osteoarthritis is among the likely causes of your chronic discomfort. For those unfamiliar with osteoarthritis, this condition is characterized by the deterioration of cartilage between your joints. The absence of protective cartilage between bones can lead to persistent pain, swelling, and stiffness.

Nerve issues are also capable of causing chronic pain. To be more specific, you may be in pain now because some of your nerves have sustained damage from prolonged compression. Herniated discs, misalignments, and bone spurs can trap your nerves. Continuous inflammation may also pinch some of the nerves in your extremities.

You may also be in pain because of an undiagnosed injury. Because specific joint injuries can be difficult to diagnose, you may have to deal with their symptoms longer.

Poor posture is one more potential explanation for your lingering discomfort. Slouching at your desk and hunching over your smartphone are examples of posture habits that can cause chronic pain.

Reach out to Dr. Verma and Dr. Kettle of Integrated Healthcare Centers if you’re looking for pain management partners in Chantilly, VA.

Why Should You Seek Pain Management Assistance From a Chiropractor?

No one understands chronic pain issues better than chiropractors. The years they spent studying the human body and developing effective pain management techniques.

If you’re dealing with the symptoms of osteoarthritis, your chiropractor can help by manually realigning your joints. This alleviates some of the pressure and friction responsible for your chronic pain.

Chiropractic treatments are also helpful for eliminating the chronic pain caused by neuropathy. The pain you’re experiencing should start dissipating as soon as the adjustments or decompression free your pinched nerves.

Your chiropractor’s assistance can also prove essential if poor posture is responsible for your back or neck pain. After evaluating your current condition, your chiropractor can teach you posture habits and exercises that should eliminate your symptoms. 

Arrange your pain management sessions with Dr. Verma and Dr. Kettle of Integrated Healthcare Centers in Chantilly, VA, by calling 703-957-3373.

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24805 Pinebrook Rd, #314,
Chantilly, VA 20152

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